Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Waterloo "Colonial" Village

The same aforementioned coworker who encountered the Diabolical Picatinny Bears also advised me that near my hotel--which is seemingly isolated--is a "colonial village" named Waterloo that has been turned into a state park. Now, it turns out that the village is, indeed, a state park but bears little resemblance to colonial life. Which is the subject of this post to Tentjackateer.

Your humble blogger determined that a full investigation of Waterloo was warranted, and he therefore set out to document said attraction whilst keeping a sharp lookout for the Diabolical Picatinny Bears.

His first encounter, the seemingly innocuous entrance to Waterloo:

Then, a stroll along the Morris Canal which revealed two important facts relating to the investigation. First, that the village had more to do with antebellum New Jersey history than colonial, and, second, that there were set to begin a strange series of encounters with area wildlife, including a sharp engagement with a hissing goose at the edge of the Canal. Ms. Goose appeared to be unreceptive to your humble blogger's approaches, forcing him to proceed athwartwise:

So, proceeding athwartwise, your HB explored the environs and alternately gaped at and admired the sights of the state park:

The original Morris Canal mill.

A spooky looking building which probably serves as home to the Poltergato but is clearly not the least bit colonial. At all.

Western New Jersey is home to a number of lovely lakes, which is probably why the Morris Canal ran through this area:

And so, as your HB prepared to depart the area, he noticed a strange noise emanating from the central grounds...somewhere near the gazebo. As he (I) investigated he (I) realized the noise was emanating from a pair of yipping rotund marmots who were chasing one another in circles. Clearly this called for photographic record! But as your HB leveled his cameras the yipping rotund marmots (YRMs) chased one another into a hole under the gazebo, leaving your HB to wonder, yet again...

The aggressive geese... The yipping marmots... The Diabolical Picatinny Bears...

Could it all be coincidence???

One is forced to wonder.

1 comment:

  1. I think I saw Yipping Marmots open for the Flaming Lips.
