Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Picatinny Bears!

New Jersey surprises.

It's a beautiful state, especially as one gets closer to Pennsylvania.

That's a surprise.

It has way too much traffic. Like the clogged ten lane freeway...that is nowhere near any discernable population center. A local coworker says it's all the people who commute from Pennsylvania.

That's surprising.

Today's biggest surprise came after lunch. Another coworker went to the gym and overheard a loudspeaker at the adjacent pool area: "Please move to the south side of the pool. Bears have been spotted on the north side."

Bears? Yes, really. Another coworker who lives in the area says the bears are often seen on the Picatinny Arsenal golf course.

Surprise! New Jersey has bears! Diabolical Picatinny Bears, too! Those that invade golf courses and pool areas.  On the north side!

We must find and photograph these nefarious bears. It is a quest. A quest that may rival the quest for New Mexican Oryxes! 

Stay tuned, devoted blog followers...

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