Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Home from the Arctic

Back in warm Kansas now. It's above zero here...and should get over ten today. Plus there's no snow on the ground, unlike St. Paul:

Such an inviting Quad! The temperature was below zero when this was taken.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Walleye Dinner, St.Paul, MN

Calvin enjoys his walleye fish tacos.

Balmy St. Paul, Minnesota February 24, 2014

Hiking through the deep snow to explore the chapel on the island.

University of Northwestern St. Paul (UNWSP--formerly Northwestern College) purchased its campus from the Catholic Church, which originally built it as a boys school.

It's colder than it looks. High of 15 degrees.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Final Day at WSMR, February 6, 2014

A day of high drama. First, a beautiful desert sunrise in Las Cruces:

Then, a sign with Jake:

Then, an oryx sign!:

And finally, the El Paso Airport. And a delay into Dallas.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Of Pumas and Gemboxen, February 5, 2014

Pictures of White Sands Missile Range are not permitted. Except at the museo and museo static display park. This proved fortuitous because in the background of the picture below one can clearly see a whole bunch of mountain cravasses containing pumas and gemboxen. If you look closely they appear to be playing with one another:

I must admit being impressed with this static display. The placard explained both the military and the political importance of this particular missile, the Pershing II, and gave it due credit for bringing the Soviets to meaningful arms control negotiations with the United States.

History buffs will also appreciate this display:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mega Blog Failure! Feb. 4, 2014

There is a wonderful, even spectacular, beauty to the Organ Mountains behind White Sands Missile Range. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get a picture of it...if I can get batteries for my camera.

Maybe I'll get a picture of an oryx, too. Or a gemsbok. Or whatever it is.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Las Cruces and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, Febrero 2014

Cruisin' New Mexico:

At the left edge of the road is the Dona Anna Range Complex of Fort Bliss, Texas. Note that the Range Camp is actually in New Mexico, but as Fort Bliss is in Texas...well, never mind. The point is that your humble blogger spent a delightful May at Dona Anna Range Complex in 1985 when he was with the 4-12 Cav, so it has deep sentimental value or significance or something.

More importantly, your h.b. was an abject failure at finding a gemsbok-oryx to photograph for this blog, despite watchfulness and eyestrain during his drive. But fear not, devoted reader, as there will be another chance as the New Mexican Adventure continues.

Meanwhile, here is a sunset over the pinnacles east of Las Cruces. White Sands is on the other side of the pinnacles:

View from Humble Blogger's hotel room.