Thursday, October 6, 2016


We drove westward to Cannes and slowly worked our way back to Seborga along the coast. In Cannes we saw a lot of really rich people and shops selling really expensive things to them. It was kind of like an urban Montecito with a harbor. We did manage to (finally) find a little shop that sold croissants and Eurocoffee. So we sat down and did the casual mid-morning break thing, like the locals do, and then noticed it was across from the city farmers market. Another discovery! We ambled through and Alcalde bought fried zucchini flowers and I bought peppered goat cheese, both of which were delicious.

Al has been braying a bit less lately. It's a contrast to earlier in the week, when we heard loud, declarative outbursts and protestations. Either he has exhausted himself or retreated back into his strange little world.

One note on Wednesday night: We had dinner in a very good restaurant in Seborga, where we met some Germans and some (very drunk) Americans and had salmon ravioli.

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